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Laboratory Assistant Bachelor's Degrees in Missouri

Missouri Laboratory Assistant Bachelor's Degree SchoolsWe list 13 Missouri schools providing laboratory assistant bachelor's degrees, and Saint Louis University is the best option.

Check the rest of Missouri schools awarding laboratory assistant bachelor's degrees and medical assistance colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other medical assistance major or diploma.

MO laboratory assistant bachelor's degree schools:

Saint Louis University - Medical Assistance School Ranking
1. Saint Louis University

Located in Saint Louis

Maryville University of Saint Louis - Medical Assistance School Ranking
Missouri State University Springfield - Medical Assistance School Ranking
Fontbonne University - Medical Assistance School Ranking
4. Fontbonne University

Located in Saint Louis

Southeast Missouri State University - Medical Assistance School Ranking
University of Central Missouri - Medical Assistance School Ranking
6. University of Central Missouri

Located in Warrensburg

Northwest Missouri State University - Medical Assistance School Ranking
Missouri Western State University - Medical Assistance School Ranking
Rockhurst University - Medical Assistance School Ranking
9. Rockhurst University

Located in Kansas City

Drury University - Medical Assistance School Ranking
10. Drury University

Located in Springfield

Southwest Baptist University - Medical Assistance School Ranking
Missouri Southern State University - Medical Assistance School Ranking
Lincoln University - Medical Assistance School Ranking
13. Lincoln University

Located in Jefferson City

Laboratory assistant bachelor's degrees in nearby states:

University of Kansas - Medical Assistance School Ranking
University of Kansas

Located in Lawrence, Kansas

University of Arkansas For Medical Sciences - Medical Assistance School Ranking
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Located in Little Rock, Arkansas

Allen College - Medical Assistance School Ranking
Allen College

Located in Waterloo, Iowa

Kansas State University - Medical Assistance School Ranking
Kansas State University

Located in Manhattan, Kansas

MO medical assistance schools offering other bachelor's degrees:

University of Missouri Columbia - Medical Assistance School Ranking
University of Missouri Columbia

Located in Columbia, 1 bachelor's program

Central Methodist University College of Graduate and Extended Studies - Medical Assistance School Ranking
Central Methodist University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences - Medical Assistance School Ranking

Other medical assistance bachelor's degrees in MO:

Medical Assistant: 3 schools
Administrative Services: 1 school

Other laboratory assistant diplomas in MO:

Certificates: 2 schools
Associate's Degrees: 8 schools

Missouri medical assistance schools by city:

Bolivar: 2 schools
Bridgeton: 1 school
Cape Girardeau: 3 schools
Chesterfield: 1 school
Columbia: 1 school
Cottleville: 1 school
Fayette: 2 schools
Fenton: 2 schools
Hillsboro: 1 school
Jefferson City: 1 school
Joplin: 1 school
Kansas City: 6 schools
Linn: 1 school
Maryville: 1 school
Moberly: 1 school
Neosho: 1 school
Park Hills: 1 school
Poplar Bluff: 1 school
Saint Joseph: 1 school
Saint Louis: 5 schools
Sedalia: 1 school
Springfield: 7 schools
Trenton: 1 school
Union: 1 school
Warrensburg: 1 school
West Plains: 1 school

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