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Laboratory Assistant Certificates in Nevada

Nevada Laboratory Assistant Certificate SchoolsIn 2024, we ranked 1 Nevada school granting laboratory assistant certificates, and College of Southern Nevada is the only option.

Check the only Nevada school providing laboratory assistant certificates and medical assistance colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or consider other medical assistance major or diploma.

NV laboratory assistant certificate schools:

College of Southern Nevada - Medical Assistance School Ranking
1. College of Southern Nevada

Located in Las Vegas

Laboratory assistant certificates in nearby states:

San Francisco State University - Medical Assistance School Ranking
San Francisco State University

Located in San Francisco, California

Utah State University - Medical Assistance School Ranking
Utah State University

Located in Logan, Utah

University of Arizona - Medical Assistance School Ranking
University of Arizona

Located in Tucson, Arizona

California State University San Marcos - Medical Assistance School Ranking
California State University San Marcos

Located in San Marcos, California

De Anza College - Medical Assistance School Ranking
De Anza College

Located in Cupertino, California

MTI College - Medical Assistance School Ranking
MTI College

Located in Sacramento, California

Chemeketa Community College - Medical Assistance School Ranking
Chemeketa Community College

Located in Salem, Oregon

Phoenix College - Medical Assistance School Ranking
Phoenix College

Located in Phoenix, Arizona

Saddleback College - Medical Assistance School Ranking
Saddleback College

Located in Mission Viejo, California

West Valley College - Medical Assistance School Ranking
West Valley College

Located in Saratoga, California

Grossmont College - Medical Assistance School Ranking
Grossmont College

Located in El Cajon, California

Merritt College - Medical Assistance School Ranking
Merritt College

Located in Oakland, California

Clackamas Community College - Medical Assistance School Ranking
Clackamas Community College

Located in Oregon City, Oregon

Regan Career Institute - Medical Assistance School Ranking
Regan Career Institute

Located in El Monte, California

NV medical assistance schools offering other certificates:

Carrington College Las Vegas - Medical Assistance School Ranking
Carrington College Las Vegas

Located in Las Vegas, 2 certificate programs

Pima Medical Institute Las Vegas - Medical Assistance School Ranking
Pima Medical Institute Las Vegas

Located in Las Vegas, 2 certificate programs

Great Basin College - Medical Assistance School Ranking
Great Basin College

Located in Elko, 1 certificate program

Nevada Career Institute - Medical Assistance School Ranking
Nevada Career Institute

Located in Las Vegas, 3 certificate programs

Career College of Northern Nevada - Medical Assistance School Ranking
Career College of Northern Nevada

Located in Sparks, 1 certificate program

Carrington College Reno - Medical Assistance School Ranking
Carrington College Reno

Located in Reno, 2 certificate programs

Northwest Career College - Medical Assistance School Ranking
Northwest Career College

Located in Las Vegas, 4 certificate programs

United Education Institute Las Vegas - Medical Assistance School Ranking
United Education Institute Las Vegas

Located in Las Vegas, 2 certificate programs

Other medical assistance certificates in NV:

Medical Assistant: 7 schools
Pharmacy Technician: 4 schools
Insurance and Billing: 7 schools
Medical Transcription: 1 school
Administrative Services: 2 schools

Other laboratory assistant diplomas in NV:

Associate's Degrees: 1 school
Bachelor's Degrees: 2 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 1 school

Nevada medical assistance schools by city:

Elko: 1 school
Las Vegas: 7 schools
Reno: 1 school
Sparks: 1 school

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